Greg Egbert — Cycling Enthusiast
As a serious recreational cyclist, I threw caution to the wind and rode my bike until I could ride no more. I enjoyed my cycling life until a tiny little knee problem brought my cycling days crashing down. I couldn’t ride more than 10 miles without debilitating knee pain. I saw doctors and many dollars later said “you’ve got chondromalacia patella, get a professional bike fitting.” With all their high-powered knowledge and tools I doubted this advice. Finally, I gave in and started looking for the best biking fitting I could find. I was wary of the local bike shop fitting that involved standing over the bike and the sales clerk pronouncing all is good. I decided to go right to the top and contacted Chris Balser. Chris is a passionate, professional bike fitter introduced to the craft through physical problems of his own. Chris spent over three hours with me and analyzed every movement, asked questions, then made adjustments. We arrived at a setup that immediately reduced my knee pain and has given me the freedom to ride until I can ride no more. My advice to all cyclists of all levels is call Chris. He will save you lots of money down the road. Thanks Chris!