Dr. Josh Riff — Kona/Ironman Triathlete
I have been a triathlete for over 15 years with 3 Kona qualifications. I was pretty dialed into my position so when I was asked if I would be willing to pay back a favor to a friend by serving as a model for a fit teaching session Chris was hosting I was pretty dubious. When I walked in I was first impressed by how many modalities Chris uses. The second thing that struck me was that he does not follow a formula or stick to one method. Nor does he just eyeball you. That said I was still uncertain and made sure he marked all of my original measurements. After a warm up there was a tweak here, a teak there, next thing I knew I had insole and an easy 20W increase along with a smoother, more efficient pedal stroke. The best part is that I am as comfortable if not more with greater power. The other beauty is that he not only focuses on your fit but how you pedal. He provided me with a whole other gear.