A Review of Popular Bike Fit Systems

Major Bike Fitting Schools/Technology
There is no “best” system for bike fitting. Technology is a tool to expedite and simplify the fitting process, which does not necessairly provide good outcomes. Nearly 75% of my clients are the product of failed fittings, generated from cutting-edge systems.
Experience, Training, Reputation, Personality, and Dedication are the best predictors for a positive experience. This information is usually available at the provider’s website, in local forums, and via Internet search.
System: School(s):
Purely Custom Cyclologic, SICI, Trek
Retul Specialized/Retul
Guru Guru/FIST
Shimano Bike Fitting
Selle Italia None
System Criteria:
1. Fit Bike: Automated or Manually operated device utilized for “Dynamic Fitting”. Adjustments are made while pedaling, without interrupting the cyclists’ position
2. Motion Analysis: Typically 3D or Video used to stream, capture, play/analyze the cyclists’ position and movements during fitting.
3. Power/Torque: Representation of pedaling power, efficiency, and torque relative to changes in position.
4. Documentation: Position coordinates and Outcome Data.
5. Bicycle & Componentry Database: Software that applies a rider’s documentation to the geometries of current bicycles and componentry.
Purely Custom
Fit Bike = Mechanical
Motion Analysis = Dartfish/Trek
Power/Torque = 3rd Generation PC Transmission (Best)
Documentation = Pure Position/Trek
Pressure Analysis = GeBiomized
Bicycle & Componentry Database = Pure Position/Trek
GebioMized pressure technology provides the most objective measure for pressure distribution at the contact points when cycling (incredible tool and worth the cost, in my opinion).
Bike finder software (Tablet) provides recommendations on bike type in addition to frame size and componentry choices.
Fit Bike = Mechanical
Motion Analysis = Retul’s Vantage 3D System
Power/Torque = Cyclocops Power Beam Pro
Documentation = Retul Zinn (3D)
Bicycle & Componentry Database = Retul Frame Finder (Specialized ONLY)
Retul’s software provides streaming analysis of 3D coordinates, and normative data references while fitting. This is especially useful for efficient positioning on the Muve size-cycle. Use caution applying normative data for superior outcomes. It is a great tool for establishing a foundation for fitting.
The Frame Finder Software supports only Specialzied models.
Fit Bike = Motor Actuated (Computer)
Motion Analysis = Microsoft Kinect
Power/Torque = Tacx
Documentation = Computer generated Position & Manual Component Input
Bicycle & Componentry Database = Guru Bike Discovery
Fit bike provides Incline/Decline features – very cool!
Strong emphasis on Proprioceptive Feedback — not!
Fit Bike = Mechanical
Motion Analysis = 3D (Similar to Retul’s first model.)
Power/Torque = Shimano (X,Y,Z) Cranks.
Documentation = X,Y
Bicycle & Componentry Database = Shimano/bicyclefit.com
I’ve not spent much time with the Shimano system, though it seems very nice. Best feature is the lateral forces measured at the pedal, through the crank arm. Not sure how accurate this is, compared to piezoelectric pedals, but a nice feature for “whiz-bang” effect.
Selle Italia
Fit Bike = Motor Actuated (Computer)
Motion Analysis = “3D” (Similar to Guru)
Power/Torque = Proprietary?
Documentation = Similar to Guru
Bicycle & Componentry Database = Similar to Guru
This is the ONLY fully automated fitting system. It is designed to remove experience and skill from bike fitting. It can not measure muscle recruitment, center of mass, and the system is not truly 3D, so these claims appear dubious.
A Review of Popular Bike Fit Systems was last modified: February 8th, 2023 by