Gebiomized Saddle Pressure Technology

Gebiomized saddle mapping technology provides a streaming, 3-D blueprint of you butt/saddle interface.
Works well for supporting evidence concerning symmetry issues and road-bike saddle selection.
In truth I see clients who love a saddle that maps “poorly” and hate a saddle that maps “properly”, and regardless these cyclists enjoy a comfortable, aligned and balanced position. So important to look at a rider’s face as well as the map during trials. A big smile trumps all decisions.
Trek is now using this technology with a simplified/Trek-brand software to determine saddle selection and as the basis for all bike-fitting protocols. Paraic McGlynn has tranformed Trek’s fitting program, into a major Industry competitor. Emphasis is on determining a riders center of gravity using pressure mapping and video analysis.
I’m a bit concerned that users will rely excessively on the technology at the expense of developing “good eyes”. There is also a problem that Bontrager makes very small footprint in the saddle industry. So there might be a better saddle for the client (Specialized, SMP or Cobb) not available from the local Trek/Precision Fit dealer that would produce a superior outcome.
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