Steve Hogg

Steve Hogg

I’ve always respected Steve Hogg as one of the most impressive people in bike fitting.   His  approach makes sense to me because it considers all attributes of the human condition, honoring the variablitiy between people and concerned foremost with establishing the best possible outcome for each client, regardless of age, shape, experience and condition.  His website hosts the best fit-related information on the internet, and is required reading for all students enrolled in my trainings.

Jerry Gerlich from Castle Hill Cycles contacted me last spring concerning my blog post, “Fit Bike? Or Size Cycle?”  Apparently I am NOT the only person in our industry who feels technology is a misrepresented solution for bike fitting.   As a matter of fact, we agreed on most aspects of what’s “good” and “bad” about trainings, protocols and technology.  No surprise to learn that he is “Steve Hogg Approved”.

Me and Jerry at Interbike!

Nearly 25-hours of phone time later I met Jerry at Interbike.  He introduced me to Steve Hogg and four of the six men who successfully completed his training.    They were all very nice and comfortable to be around, despite only knowing me through Jerry’s endorsements.

Colby Pearce, Steve Hogg, Jerry Gerlich, Mark Dwyer, Sherrit Knoesen

I was invited to join the group for a few seminars and a meeting Thurdsay night where Steve would demonstrate his patented foot/shoe/cleat protocol for me and a few other “Jerry’s-friends.”  These guys are all top-notch people, serious about the profession, learning, sharing and implementing new findings to ensure each client has the best possible outcome — guaranteed.

You might know Steve as the guy from Austrailia recently published in “Bicycling”, as employing “unconventional” techniques in fitting.  Personally, I do not like the article.  Feels like it portrays him more like a “witch-doctor” than fitter, which doesn’t mesh with his client-reputation and website entries.  To get the entire picture, I suggest browsing his website:

Steve is sensitive, humble person, with a penchant for integrity, open-mindedness and hard work.  His “guys” share similar characteristics and it feels like a family when they are together.  I enjoyed listening to them argue/debate over ideas and protocols in a concert of ascending thoughts, discovering in agreement a solution superior to any one-person’s thoughts.

Want to become a  “Steve Hogg Approved” fitter?

It’s not easy, but neither is world-class bike fitting.

Seems like every bike shop in the US offers “Professional Bike Fitting”, and coincidentally they all have the “best-person” doing it, fresh out of the 3-day training program at (Specialized, Trek, Retul, etc.), where the only requirement for graduation is tuition.  How ironic that 30-40% of my business is re-doing other people’s work.  Or that 50-75% of Steve’s guys are re-fitting “failed” outcomes from all parts of the world.

Steve’s training is 3-weeks vs. 3-days.  Applicant screening is rigorous, and technology is not incorporated into the curriculum, which is a great idea.   How can you learn to fit without opening your eyes and looking at the client on his/her bike?  Honing this skill differentiates the men from boys in our industry, similar to the contrast between “fitting” and “sizing.”

I endorse anyone who successfully completes his program 100%

I know you are all waiting to hear about the Hogg’s Foot Correction Protocol, but the details are confidential (NDA).

Sufficient to say it works perfectly;)

Looking for a fitter?


Sydney, AU

Steve Hogg

Newbury, UK

Scherrit Knoesen

Boulder, CO

Colby Pearce

Austin, TX

Jerry Gerlich

Ontario, Canada

Mark Dwyre


Toby Jones

Melbourne, AU

Neill Stanbury


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