BFG Riders (M) = 5th, (F) = 2nd and 4th at Wingman Triathlon!

BFG Riders (M) = 5th, (F) = 2nd and 4th at Wingman Triathlon!

                                            Red Wing, Minnnesota, August 14, 2011

                                        500 meter Swim - 12.7 Mile Bike - 2.6 Mile Run

                                                      INDIVIDUAL RESULTS

Place Div/Tot  Bib  Name                    Cat Age Sex City               St Rank Swim  100yd Trn.1 Rank    Bike  Rate Trn.2 Rank Run   Pace  Finish  
===== ======== ==== ======================= === === === ================== == ================ ===== ================== ===== ================ ======= 
    1   1/3     404 Dan Arlandson           I    34 M   Burnsville         MN    6  7:24  1:29  0:47    1   31:07  24.5  0:26    5 17:20  6:33   57:02 
    2   1/13    401 Chap Achen              I    42 M   Red Wing           MN    7  7:27  1:30  0:37    2   31:46  24.0  0:33    6 17:32  6:37   57:52 
    3   2/3     453 Reed Steele             I    31 M   St. Paul           MN    2  6:44  1:21  0:34    6   35:11  21.7  0:29    3 16:17  6:09   59:14 
    4   1/2     444 Matt Riley              I    20 M   Red Wing           MN    5  7:22  1:29  0:44    4   34:21  22.2  0:30    8 18:25  6:57 1:01:20 
    5   3/3     470 Brian Zeuli             I    34 M   Hudson             WI   13  8:54  1:47  0:36    3   33:52  22.5  0:27   12 20:02  7:34 1:03:50


Place Bib  Name                    Age City               St Rank Swim  100yd Trn.1 Rank    Bike  Rate Trn.2 Rank Run   Pace  Finish  
===== ==== ======================= === ================== == ================ ===== ================== ===== ================ ======= 
    1  412 Kristina Carson          50 Red Wing           MN    6 11:12  2:15  0:57    1   40:47  18.7  0:33    4 23:19  8:48 1:16:45 
    2  468 Sara Will                38 Burnsville         MN    3  9:58  2:00  1:41    2   42:25  18.0  1:19    7 24:10  9:07 1:19:31 
    3  446 Abbey Schnaith           17 Red Wing           MN    1  8:10  1:38  1:22    8   47:05  16.2  0:15    2 23:02  8:42 1:19:53 
    4  426 Tiffany Langen           24 La Crescent        MN    4 10:42  2:09  1:27    3   42:34  17.9  1:00    8 24:13  9:09 1:19:54 
    5  418 Emily Franck             32 Byron              MN    5 11:09  2:14  2:04   12   49:26  15.4  0:38    1 21:33  8:08 1:24:48
BFG Riders (M) = 5th, (F) = 2nd and 4th at Wingman Triathlon! was last modified: by