Colin Manley — Cat 1/2 Cyclist

Colin Manley — Cat 1/2 Cyclist

I am a long-time cyclist with over 27 years of experience and innumerable thousands upon thousands of miles under my belt.  During that time I have periodically struggled with my position on the bike.   And like many fellow cyclists, I read books, sought advice and asked for opinions before attempting to “fit myself.”  I know that WE have all been there…  sitting on our trainers in the basement in front of a mirror with a carpenter’s level, measuring tape, plumb line and wrenches in hand.  You know it’s true!!

This past spring my body experienced the usual aches and pains that many of us have come to expect after a long off-season.  Neck, shoulders, arms, lower back…. LEGS!  All making readjustments to another season back on the road or trail.  For me, those aches and pains persisted and my cycling suffered as a result.  Once again I attempted to make my own adjustments but soon became frustrated with my continued inconsistency….  One day was really good.  The next several a struggle!

I relayed this very sad story to a friend who said, “I know this guy who you should go see!!”  [Enter Chris Balser]  So, I made my appointment with The Bicycle Fit Guru and met with him late this past summer.  Honestly, given my past struggles and attempts to address those struggles, I was a little skeptical.  However, Chris made quick work of that skepticism by making some immediate adjustments based on what his trained eye saw.  Instant results!!  Then made further changes based on what “the numbers” said.  As a result, I don’t know that I have ever felt this comfortable or powerful on a bike before!  He literally performed a minor miracle!

In short, Chris brings a wealth of experience, knowledge and know-how and a passion for his craft to the sport of cycling.  Whether you are an elite competitive road racer, a recreational cyclist or something in between, working with him should be considered the foundation for any level of cycling pursuit.  It is a worthwhile short term investment that will pay out long term dividends!

Colin Manley – Mpls, MN

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