Marcus Stromberg — Elite Triathlete
Thanks again for the fit last week. Yesterday I had my final Tri of the season and the results were better than expected. Like you mentioned during the fit, you indicated that I would probably not see much of an improvement in the bike speed but I should see some improvement in the run. As you can see from the link to the results below my bike was right on par with what it has been, around 26 mph, but the run splits blew me away, 5:50/mile. At Green Lake two weeks ago I did 6:17/mile for a 6 mile run and at Graniteman earlier this year I had my best run splits at 6:05/mile for a 5k. Yesterday, it really took no time for my legs to come in and when I checked my split at mile 1 and it was 5:57 I thought I was in trouble but I only continued to get stronger throughout the run.